The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Business from Baby Boomers

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Business from Baby Boomers

The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Business from Baby Boomers

9 July 2024

Baby boomer retiree on laptop selling business


In the landscape of entrepreneurship, the wave of baby boomers reaching retirement age presents a unique investment opportunity, especially for millennials and entrepreneurs looking to step into the realm of business ownership. These baby boomer-owned small businesses come with established cash flow, a loyal customer base, and decades of operational insight, making them lucrative acquisitions for the next generation of business leaders. With a significant number of baby boomers entering their retirement years, the market is ripe for business acquisitions, highlighting the importance of due diligence and strategic transition planning to ensure a seamless handover.

This article delves into why acquiring businesses from baby boomers is not just a strategic investment move but a chance to preserve and build upon the legacies of profitable companies. We'll cover the steps of research and preparation, including market analysis and financing options, to ensure entrepreneurs are well-equipped to make informed decisions. Following that, we'll outline the key steps to purchase, emphasising the role of due diligence and the nuances of negotiating a deal that benefits both parties. Finally, the article will guide you through transitioning the business effectively, ensuring the legacy of baby boomer entrepreneurs is honoured while paving the way for future growth and success under new ownership.

See if you have what it takes to acquire a business.

Why Baby Boomer-Owned Businesses Are a Great Investment

Baby boomers, defined as individuals born between 1946 and 1964, are nearing retirement, leading to a significant number of business acquisition opportunities. Approximately 12 million privately-owned businesses are expected to be available for purchase in the coming years as these owners transition to retirement [1]. This surge in available businesses presents a golden opportunity for entrepreneurs, particularly those who recognize the benefits of acquiring established companies with a solid foundation and market presence.

Benefits of Acquiring Baby Boomer-Owned Businesses

  1. Established Customer Base and Brand Recognition:

    • Acquiring a well-established business means inheriting a loyal customer base and a recognised brand. This significantly reduces the risks and challenges associated with building a brand from scratch [1].

  2. Experienced Guidance and Smooth Transition:

    • Many retiring business owners are willing to provide guidance to the new owners. This mentorship can be invaluable in ensuring a smooth transition and continued business success. Some may even remain in a consultancy role, offering their expertise while gradually stepping away from day-to-day operations [1].

  3. Financial Advantages:

    • Established businesses often have a solid financial track record, making it easier to secure financing for further growth. Additionally, the cost of acquiring an existing business can be lower than starting a new one or purchasing a less established business [1].

  4. Community and Industry Influence:

    • Retiring owners often have significant influence in their industries and communities. New owners can benefit from these established networks and reputations, which can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations [1].

  5. Opportunity for Innovation and Growth:

    • With the foundational elements of the business already in place, new owners can focus on innovation and growth. This might include expanding into new markets, introducing new products, or leveraging technology to improve efficiency and reach [1].

Economic Impact and Legacy

  • Baby boomers are not only passing on their businesses but also their entrepreneurial spirit. Many are looking for ways to remain engaged, whether through advisory roles or community involvement. This transition is not just about business transactions but also about transferring valuable knowledge and experience to the next generation [1].

  • Additionally, baby boomers possess significant wealth, with data indicating they are around nine times wealthier than millennials. This financial capability allows them to invest in new ventures, supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs not only through business sales but also through capital investment [1].

By understanding these dynamics, potential buyers can strategically position themselves to take advantage of this unprecedented transfer of wealth and business acumen. Acquiring a business from a baby boomer is not just a financial investment but an opportunity to build on a legacy while injecting new energy and ideas into a proven business model.

Research and Preparation

Understanding Industry Trends

When considering the acquisition of a business from baby boomers, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the industry trends. Researching every market area helps in identifying the niche and the competition one may face. Attending trade shows and conferences provides an opportunity to interact with industry veterans and potential customers, which is invaluable for gaining insights [1]. Building connections at these events can lead you to businesses that are preparing for sale, often before they hit the open market [1].

Building a Network of Advisors

Building a robust network of advisors is essential for navigating the complexities of purchasing a business. Engaging with business advisors, brokers, accountants, and lawyers who have expertise in your chosen industry can provide a wealth of knowledge and facilitate smoother transactions [1]. These professionals can help evaluate potential businesses, ensuring that processes and accounts have been properly assessed and that due diligence has been followed [2]. Working closely with the seller's advisors can also lead to a mutually beneficial outcome, reducing the timeframe of the transaction and helping maintain continuity post-acquisition [2].

  • Key Benefits of Engaging Advisors:

    • Streamlined transaction processes.

    • Access to expert evaluations and due diligence.

    • Reduced timeframes for business acquisition.

    • Assistance in maintaining business continuity during ownership transition.

By understanding industry trends and building a strong network of advisors, potential buyers place themselves in a better position to make informed decisions and successfully navigate the complexities of acquiring a business from retiring baby boomers.

Key Steps to Purchase

Conducting Due Diligence

When purchasing a business from baby boomers, conducting thorough due diligence is crucial. Prospective buyers must request all business records and accounts to uncover potential issues such as scheduled tax audits, insurance disputes, pending litigations, and existing liens [1]. For corporations and LLCs, reviewing the operating agreement, bylaws, and the Certificate of Good Standing is essential [1]. Due diligence can reveal "skeletons in the closet" like outdated inventory, uncollectible bad debts, and tax liabilities, which could provide leverage in negotiating a better purchase price [3]. A comprehensive due diligence checklist should include:

  • Audited financial statements and tax returns for at least three years.

  • A credit report of the company and its owner(s).

  • A detailed schedule of inventory, accounts receivable, and accounts payable.

  • Information on any extraordinary accounting issues over the past five years [4].

Read more guides on due diligence for buyers here.

Securing Financing

Securing financing is often more accessible when acquiring an established business due to its proven financial track record [1]. Baby boomers, being significantly wealthier, are in a strong position to make speculative investments [1]. Young entrepreneurs should consider engaging with this demographic for financing opportunities, potentially establishing a mutually beneficial partnership [1]. Essential steps in securing financing include:

  • Determining the investment amount, ideally 10-15% of one's income for a healthy retirement strategy [1].

  • Engaging with baby boomers who may be looking for new investment opportunities as they approach retirement [1].

By meticulously following these key steps, entrepreneurs can ensure a successful acquisition of a baby boomer-owned business, leveraging established frameworks and financial opportunities to foster growth and innovation in their new venture.

Check out if you are eligible for a business loan or investment funding.

Transitioning the Business

Leveraging the Previous Owner’s Expertise

Transitioning ownership of a business from baby boomers to new entrepreneurs often benefits significantly from the involvement of the previous owner. Many retirees are open to staying on in a consultancy role, providing invaluable advice to ensure a smooth transition [1]. This engagement can range from strategic guidance to more hands-on roles, depending on the needs of the business and the preferences of the retiring owner.

  • Continued Mentorship: Retiring owners can offer mentorship, supporting and guiding new owners through the intricacies of the business landscape [1].

  • Community and Network Introductions: Leveraging the retiring owner’s established community and industry connections can provide new owners with a valuable head start [1].

Implementing New Strategies

As new owners take the helm, it's crucial to evaluate the business from an outsider's perspective to identify areas for growth and enhancement [5]. This involves a thorough analysis of the business’s value proposition, unique selling points, and growth potentials [5]. Implementing new strategies may include:

  • Innovative Business Practices: Introducing fresh, innovative practices and technologies that align with current market demands can significantly enhance business operations [5].

  • Strengthening Financial Health: New owners should focus on diversifying revenue streams and fortifying customer relationships to boost the business's overall value [5].

  • Knowledge Transfer: Ensuring that critical knowledge is documented and transferred effectively to maintain continuity and capitalise on existing operational strengths [5].

Incorporating these strategies not only honours the legacy of the baby boomer entrepreneurs but also sets the stage for future success and sustainability under new ownership.

Foundy can assist you in the business acquisition process

If you're a buyer, Foundy offers M&A advisory services across a wide variety of industries. We can help you find your next acquisition and streamline your end to end process via an all in one portal.

Similarly, if you're in the process of growing your business towards a funding round or an acquisition, clients have repeatedly recommended utilising a portal. It starts with a free business valuation. This will help you and our M&A advisors understand your company's current position and the necessary steps to position yourself for a successful sale. Foundy factors in over 29 key elements that contribute to your business valuation, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate assessment.

Ready to discover your business's value?

Running a business and deciding to sell or acquire another can feel like having two full-time jobs. While some business owners thrive on the excitement of buying and selling on their own, many, including myself, benefit from collaborating with experts who bring more sector specific experience. However, it’s important to note that working with M&A advisors is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Hence why we built our advanced portal and Find An Advisor programme to empower you with the tools, education and relevant expert support to help you navigate the end-to-end process and secure a higher valuation.

Check out the free calculator on our pricing page, which shows you the six to seven figures in additional share value Foundy can provide your business.

No matter where you are on your business journey, connect with Foundy to access the resources needed for a smoother acquisition or sale process.


1. What are the primary expenditures of Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers primarily invest their net worth in financial assets and real estate. Compared to younger generations, they allocate a smaller portion of their income to housing. However, a significant amount of their spending is directed towards health care, home improvement, and entertainment.

2. What types of products do Baby Boomers prefer to purchase in physical stores?
Baby Boomers often buy the following products in physical stores: leisure, sport, and hobby items (14%), children's products (13%), electronics (12%), automobile parts or accessories (12%), jewelry and accessories (8%), and entertainment (8%).

3. How many small businesses are owned by Baby Boomers?
Around 40% of small business owners are Baby Boomers. As many of these individuals approach retirement age each year, it's notable that less than one-third have a planned exit strategy for retirement.

4. What values are most important to Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers are distinguished by several core values that have not only defined their generation but also had a lasting impact on society. The top five values for Baby Boomers are hard work, individualism, optimism, family, and consumerism.


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